Saturday, February 20, 2016

Internet round-up: Napoleon and nukes.

A brief edition today, as work has interfered with a lot of time to dig up interesting links.  Some things to look into from this week, though.

1) A debate on the greatness (or not) of Napoleon I (a historical pet issue of mine) is here.

2) The Gospel Coalition published a piece on fear of dirty bombs in the age of ISIS here.  Gives some science on nuclear weapons that is historically interesting, and also shows the hysteria in some circles over nuclear power to be somewhat overblown.

3) The Heidelblog has embarked on a series of posts about Dispensationalism (after wrapping up a series of citations on the Covenant of Works).  The first is here, and begins three short pieces on dispensational fallacies, punctuated with other posts on the same topic.  The series has been notable for bringing in sources on both sides of the debate for easy reference.

4) American Vision did some pieces recently on the history of "Christian Socialism".  This one is particularly notable for it's discussion of the theological and ideological backgrounds of the men involved in the John Brown incident.

That's all for the this week, will hopefully have a richer trove next Saturday.  Working on several longer pieces here as well.


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